
Discomfort Beyond Discomfort

This week I have done many things that I have never done before. But, looking back at everything, one thing sticks out in my mind.

The lady doctor..

So, I had my first visit to the lady doctor. You know, maybe it's not something to blog about but I feel it makes the cut for experiencing something new. I had anxiety for days before I went. I'm telling you, I was so nervous from the stories I've heard. Being me, I let it get to me and psyched myself out for a week in advance. I might even have cried.......

Anyway, I showed up and it didn't seem too bad.. until she told me to undress from the waist down. I had been warned by my friends and mom that this could possibly happen. NOO! The nurse left and I did was she instructed. I lay waiting on the table with a paper sheet over me. Five minutes passed, ten minutes and at this point I was sweating to death. I'm now sticking to the paper thing that I'm sitting on and trying to think of what to do to calm my nerves. 20 minutes passed but it felt like a lifetime!! Fun fact. I didn't have my phone so I just sat there staring and thinking of ever possible scenario in my head.

During my long wait in the room, I decided that I would play it cool like I've done this thousands of times before when she came back in.

Nope. That didn't work out. To embarrass myself even further, the instant she came in I spilled my guts. "I've never done this before! Is this going to hurt? I'm scared! What if something's wrong? What am I supposed to do now? Ahhhhh!! I'm sweating!!"

She chuckled and walked me through everything after that. It still WAS NOT fun. At all.

The end.

1 comment :

  1. Oh Maddie, I just love you :) And the part about the lady doctor definitely had me laughing out loud!
