
Did You Serve A Mission?

I'm assuming you read my post's title... and if you didn't... I don't know why you would end up here. So lets all rhetorically answer that question. Did you go on a mission? If you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints you know that this question is one of the first asked to all men and nowadays increasingly more women.

I think missions are an amazing thing. I think they teach people life lessons and help them learn knowledge they may have not learned elsewhere. I know missions have changed the lives of millions. Not only the missionary but the people and families all over the world who have been served and touched by missionaries. Missionaries even learn languages oftentimes in just a few months, and if that's not amazing enough they have to adapt to new climates and cultural lifestyles. 

Many of my close friends have served missions and it's incredible to listen to their heart softening stories of converts and even stories of self conversion. Return missionaries have so much to offer and have done so much good... but what about those people both men and women who haven't served a mission?

For the sake of the cause, lets call the question of if one has or hasn't served a mission, DYSAM (did you serve a mission) because I will referring to it a few times. 

People often get caught up in the yes or no of  DYSAM rather than the intentions and heart of the individual. I feel strongly about this because over the years I have dated many, many men.. some who have and some who haven't served missions. Here is what I have found.

I have found that the men who have served missions are AMAZING guys...but guess what? The LDS men who haven't are still AMAZING guys! They have high standards, attend church, have testimonies, want to get married in the temple, etc.. I could easily say their character and spirituality is based on the present, on the now. It's not solely based on DYSAM because yes, that's wonderful but what are they doing now? Have they fallen away? Are they still reading scriptures, praying and attending church? I know some have fallen away, some have stayed strong. 

As mentioned before, I think missions are SUCH a positive thing. When I have children, I will encourage all of them to serve missions, especially my boys (if I have boys..) but what if they don't? I'll love them unconditionally. They are still perfect and will still have every chance to make it to the Celestial Kingdom. 

Does it mean you're a bad person because you didn't serve a mission? Absolutely not! There are many reasons one doesn't serve a mission. Sometimes heath issues prohibit one from serving. Other times anxiety and nerves deter someone from going into the mission field. Maybe they are taking care of prior sins and going through the repentance process? Lastly, sometimes a person doesn't yet have a strong enough testimony to withstand a mission- and that's not necessarily a bad thing. All that means is that the person needs to search, pray and build a deeper conviction for them self. Who's to say they won't go later?

I know that there is a time for everyone. It could be at age 19, it could be at age 50. We can all be missionaries regardless of DYSAM. That yes or no doesn't mean we can never be missionaries or that we don't have to continue to be a missionary. We are all eternal missionaries, some have more experience than others and some are still growing their testimony. 

Instead of focusing so much on DYSAM, let's focus on the now. Let's focus on what each individual is doing in their life currently to draw closer to our Heavenly Father. Let's use those wonderful missionary experiences to learn and grow but also realize we are all at different spiritual stages of our life. We are all special and we can all be missionaries. 

What are your comments? 

1 comment :

  1. I know that it can be difficult for those guys 19-24 (and really up to 26) that want to be active in the church, but didn't/don't go. When I was that age, it was like the girls in the church around me would rather I be inactive and un-involed than be there and not go on a mission. Great message, Maddie! :)
