
7 Easy Tips to Surviving Finals Week

FINALS SUCK! We all know this. So this semester, lets punch those finals in the face!! The only thing you will be saying about finals during Christmas break will be #dominated. 

Now that we got that superficial intro out of the way, let's begin.

The first and best thing to do before taking any finals is to get your schedule figured out. Which classes have finals? What day and time are they at? What day will you be focusing on studying each subject? Once this is figured out, you can work your social and work schedule around your studying and tests. 

Okay, that's done so what are my tips for surviving? 

1. Flash cards, flash cards, flash cards! I make them for everything. Not only are they great for definitions but dates, principles, ideas and concepts. Granted, some classes like math can't utilize flashcards to their greatest potential but most other classes can! Make a set for each class and have your roommates or friends give them to you a few days before the test. They save my life EVERYTIME! 

2. Print out the slides. Highlight the important information and read them over and over again until you have all the information down! And then... make FLASHCARDS!!! 

3. Skim the book chapters, headings and important ideas. Let's be honest with ourselves. No one ever actually reads all of the book like they're supposed to throughout the semester. So if you're like me and the first time you read the book is the week before finals, you're toast. Ha, just kidding. I do fine by putting aside an hour or two a day (a few days before the exam) skimming and highlighting important things that sound familiar from class.

4. Unless you are seriously dedicated, don't study at your house or apartment! Study in the school's library or designated study areas. I always try to study at home and I get distracted. I get hungry or turn on music or TV. I even do this weird thing where I think I'm reading and then five or ten minutes later I find myself staring off at a wall and thinking about heaven knows what! Bottom line, don't study at home. 

Freshman me studying away.. 

5. If you are the least bit worried, visit the professor and ask questions! I seriously have no idea about what the heck the final will be on in one of my classes so I'm going to talk to my professor next week. If you talk to them directly, they will tell you what to study and what you need to know. There's no harm in that... if you're scared.. Don't be!

6. If you have a good study group, study with them! If not, forget it. If they get stuff done and if they're actually smart.. totally worth it. 

7. Go hot tubbing. Ha, if you're weird and hate hot tubbing.. do something else to relax. But make time to relax. Go out to dinner with friends or see a new movie and take some time to clear your mind. Don't overwhelm yourself. 

Lastly, be disciplined. Seriously, it's not worth having to take a class again because a) it sets you back a semester b) it's so expensive c) it looks bad on your transcript. You WILL regret it. Take it from me. Buckle down. It's only a week and then... CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! 

Have any other tips for finals week? Share them!!


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